Exclusive IBAL Think Tank Sessions

You will register to join our exclusive roundtable where you will participate with 8-10 other business owners.   One participant will be selected to be featured for each session.

Our featured guest will have the opportunity to share their business message with the table and receive vital feedback about their business and how to increase customers and provide superior service with little or no increase in your business overheads.

Each round of questions is designed to enable every participant to place themselves in the seat of the business owner and their current and future customers.  

Each participant will receive insights and revelations about their business that will ignite a positive shift in profitability for their  business. 

What past participants have said about our Think Tank Sessions:

  • I never knew my customers wanted the things that came to light during my session.
  • I was so amazed that with a small shift in how we service our customers we could increase our profits so dramatically.
  • Our customers love what we do for them so much they can’t stop talking about our business to others.  
  • We were amazed with all the brilliant ideas our table shared with us.
  • We could not pay for the kind of recommendations we are receiving from our customers after we shifted our  focus and marketing plan.
  • I was amazed at how a few targeted ideas can create such an amazing shift in my business and cash flow!

Register to participate in an exclusive think tank session.

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